Attention Lawyers: Money Map™ Your Way to a Life and Law Practice you Love!

Create a custom Money Map™ for your life and law practice to discover exactly how simple and straightforward it can be to have the life and law practice of your dreams. In just 5 modules, you’ll see exactly how to structure your law practice to serve you and your clients in the highest and best way possible.


What You REALLY Want

Once you know exactly what you want your life and law practice to look like, you can laser focus your energy and create it.

No more stress. Eliminate worrying or wondering about what to do.

The Money Map for Lawyers provides you with total clarity on what you really want.

Your Most Valuable Resources

Take back your most valuable resource, your time, energy and attention - and only work with clients you absolutely love to serve, who are thrilled to pay you well for the service you provide.

With the right practice model, you will have total control over your schedule.

The Money Map for Lawyers shows you how to take back your time!

Yes! I'm Ready...

Enter your name and best email here and get immediate access to create your very own Money Map™ Business Plan for Your Law Practice -Absolutely FREE!


Money Fears and Scarcity

As a lawyer, you have the most valuable asset on the planet, a service to offer that, when properly priced and packaged, will provide you with all the money you need to have the life you want.
No more hourly billables or way too low flat fees!

The Money Map for Lawyers shows you how to price and package your services.

Your Income, Your Impact, and Your Life

Move beyond hourly billing - or too low flat fee one-time transactions - into a law practice model (we call it a new law business model) that delivers a truly meaningful service and provides a high-value outcome to your clients.

The Money Map for Lawyers guides you to see what a new law business model might look like for you.

The FREE Money Map for Lawyers puts you in the driver’s seat of your life and your law practice once and for all!